That Good Raw Life. Hazardous If Approached Wrong.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Birthday Weekend

I finally turned 18 last Thursday, and since then I been busy. I guess it is just not being in my dorm for a bunch of hours either doing nothing or working, but still it felt kinda great to be that busy for a little while.

Went out for dinner at a sushi restaurant around Sandy Springs/Roswell, and got about 7 different rolls(4 of the bakery rolls though). I really wish I could remember what the place is called right now because everyone should try these rolls for themselves. Whoever came up with them is a genius. They also gave me some fried ice cream for the bday. Delicious as well.

The lovely Bakery Rolls. 

All the other different pieces of sushi.

All Done

Woke up the next morning and decided I needed to go back to the dorm to charge the curve before it died on me. Luckily my mom was driving to work so she dropped me off at Buckhead around 7-am. Went back to the dorm, charged the phone, laid around for a while then went back home for the day

My sister came that night too, and basically as soon as she came in she was just like this.

Went back home that night, and crashed in my own bed again. Next guessed it went back home. 

I don't feel like explaining the rest of this due to the fact that I am getting my hair done right now, and my back hurts so yeah.... basically chilled on Saturday, went to the park and visited the girlfriend on Sunday, got some good icecream from Cold Stone. Listened to the new Murs album, it is great btw, go out and cop that. Then went back to the dorm.

Vanilla with Snickers=Great Ice Cream

Next up.... another week of work and fun and some noice gifts.

Peace out.

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