That Good Raw Life. Hazardous If Approached Wrong.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Been Away for a While

Sorry for the hiatus, but I've had a crazy past weeks. My technology has been failing to the point where I think it's a "simultaneous breakage point", but I'm about to get over that foothill soon. Once that is overcame, a bigger mountain of looking and getting a job is presented. Even though the job discussion is not the prime subject at hand, I just want to say that will be conqoured in some way before summer's done.

New Haircut by you.
First off biggest change so far is the hair. Ever since I chopped off the hair last Sunday, I've been feeling great. A weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and neck literally. I've also found that when you change your appearance in a way unexpected, it gets the best reactions. Most people c0uldn't even imagine me at my present state, but it feels so good just to make a change of appearance. I must say I do look devilshy handsome too.
Bored as hell by you.
Another great thing about the summer is the clique being back together. Some stayed around the city like Thara and I, but most everybody else went a little bit out of town if not to a whole different region of the U.S. Monai for example went to Valdosta, and to say I have no idea how it is out there would be a understatement. This is the the basic crew on most nights though. Thara, Pash, Monai, DJ, and I are bout to take over the world I can bet you that.
DJ and Monai(and Max) by you.

Pash and Monai by you.
Philly Kids by you.
The main reason I've been gone away from the blog was my recent visit to New Orleans to see the family and where I was born and raised. Everytime I return to my birthplace, I'm reminded of the beauty that is not present anywhere else. There's that one feeling where even though things are so wrong in the wideview, but feels so right in your heart, and I've never felt it stronger than in New Orleans. When the heart feels right the next best thing is to get the stomach feeling full, and where's a better place to do that than a city that offers snoballs with flavors like "Tiger's Blood" "Silver Fox", and bout 50 more. Just thinking about it is getting me all hungry. I can't wait to go back in July for the one year anniversary of my baby boy.
Snoballs & Smoothee by you.
N.O. by you.

N.O. by you.

The Head of the Family by you.
The Little Cousin by you.
Dad and son by you.
Mom and son by you.
Young Generation by you.1940 something vintage varsity by you.
Now this right here is EXTREMELY special. This is the first St. Augustine Varsity Jacket given to my grandfather, Elliot Labat Sr, in 1949 if I'm not mistaken. My eyes opened up wide as I saw it's purple material, and the first thing to mind was "I gotta have it". Too bad it's going up in the Hall of Fame. I know it's honorable, but I would defiantly love to repair the seams and rock it out like it's brand new. Guess I'll have to wait till I use it as inspiration. That day will be great.

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