While October 9th may be a little less than two months away, my father asks me what it is that I want for this day of day's that is mine; other than a car of course. While some readers may have thoughts of "this spoiled ass", I am in fact stressed by this by this question, because unlike Super Sweet Sixteeners, I do not find joy in asking my parents for my crazily expensive wants. I much rather have the ability to go out and work for what I want, but finding a job has proven to be the pain in my rectum similar to that of prostate exams. This does not mean I won't ask for something that I want, it just means that I feel the need to limit myself to only one big buy.

So far the only things that I truly want for my birthday is money to support my numerous endeavors such as this clothing brand and dj equipment, a pair of Gourmet shoes which I have decided will be the primary source of sneakers for now on, or a pair of Monster Beats headphones. I was gonna include some items to further evolve my style, but I'll do that once I find revenue.
Dude....I feel the same way about birthdays. I'm actually more nervous than excited about my birthday since it's gonna be the big 2-0 (on Sept.22 BTW). When people ask me that question, I have no idea what to tell them.
I know exactly what I will tell friends and relatives, MULA BAYBAYYYYYYYYYYYYY(yes I did that in the Lil Wayne voice. The dad though is the one guy I can really ask for nearly anything, and he will get it for me so that's where the stress comes from.
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