That Good Raw Life. Hazardous If Approached Wrong.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Last Vacation of the Summer

As most of my friends may know, I've been out the foster home of Atlanta for the past two weeks living life like a rich boy. Going from one state to another, getting another godchild under my wing, riding in an Audi A5, eating only the best of foods, spending a weekend in the mountains, visiting the Denver Art Museum for an influential exhibition. It's been a privileged vacation to say the least.

The first of the two stops was back to the hometown of New Orleans. No matter how far I go away from the Crescent City, it will always be the location of family, great food, and The French Quarter. The motive for this particular visit though was the first birthday and baptism of my little nephew. Luckily enough the baby's boy birthday lands one day before the birthday of our country giving me the opportunity to witness the real allure to New Orleans's famous French Quarter, public drunkenness. If any not-yet-twenty-ones come down to the big tourist trap, I highly recommend somehow obtaining a hand grenade. After the fam and I had finished our inhibition destroyer, we made our way to the Cafe du Monde for the equally satisfying beignets. I must say making our way around the French Quarter with a belly full of powder sugar, bread, and highly mixed alcohol was the best way to spend the 4th.
Preparing by you.
Preparing by you.
Swag Surfin by you.

Donuts by you.

Across from the Zoo by you.
Julian by you.
Baptism by you.
Celebratory Eating by you.
The Girls by you.
The Age Gap by you.Size Gap by you.

The second stop on this great trip was up to the state of Colorado, the home of my father and greatest influence next to my mom. Seeing how he lives up here in this beautiful city is only more motivation to make it rich enough to buy a vacation home out here. Being that this was my first time here, the horizon covered by mountains instead building and clouds was tremendous site to see, and only became more epic the higher we travelled into the natural monuments. I was able to witness the scenery a total of three different ways. Sitting in the car, riding a horse up higher than I have ever thought I would be, and on the back of my father's chopper. The latter of three was the craziest of the three, but I'll further discuss that in a later post to fully explain the epicness of riding an iron horse while the air caresses. Other than the natural beauty of the Rockies, I was able to witness the overpowering awesomeness of the Psychedelic Era of Rock Posters, which I otherwise would have probably missed out if I would have not made my way to the Rocky State. If anyone is in the Denver area, I highly recommend making your way to the downtown area to view these posters for yourself. Unluckily, I forgot my damn camera charger, so I was limited on the photos. Well more so unluckily for ya'll, not me. 
me by you.
A5 by you.
Denver Museum of Art by you.
Lee Conklin by you.
Lee Conklin by you.
Psychedelic Exhibition by you.
Road to the Mountains by you.

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