Had a weird couple of days lately for my break. First I tried to get done with my math project which turned out was a bigger pain in the ass, than first thought it could be. The funny part was I was doing it right the first time, I just didn't know how to label the chart. Atleast I got to check out a little bit of the Twilight Zone marathon. Gotta watch more of it when I get down to New Orleans for Christmas.
Next day came around and I decided to get my art project, or at least most of the work done while I could, and I also underestimated the work load. Had to cut out way more pieces than I thought I had to, but as long as it gets me higher than a C I'm good.

I then decided to go through with my "master plan" to have a bowl of Lucky Charms consisting of mostly marshmellow. Turned out pretty good, but next time I have to slow down(don't eat a whole bag).

Got excited as hell to hang out with these crazy folks only to be cut short, by a road trip to Ohio, and Marks having to go to work. I swear I need to get my license, and learn how to drive a stick soon(hopefully around christmas). Anyway, something crazy always happens when I hang with these dudes here. This time I actually ended up getting to Thara's Cousin house before everyone else, and I mean everyone. Later on we all shared stories, and then Thara and Monai started a little fight.

Sorry bout not staying around long enough. I promise I get at yall for winter break. You know what I mean right?
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