I hate this show with all my heart. I can't even explain how annoying this show is. If you ever watched it, you know what I'm talking about. Who the fuck made the main character that happy go lucky. He's like a baby that talks, but he isn't cute. He's just annoying. I can't put how much I hate this show into words, so I'll just talk about how I feel about today's cartoons.
What the hell happened to cartoons. Maybe it is just me growing up, and not liking idiotic shit, but there is some stupid ass shit. How much creativity do you lack if you basically take a show and tweak it a little, but that isn't the worst of it. It really is stupid when somebody does that with a show that is on the SAME CHANNEL.
Now of course I'm talking about "My Gym Partner's a Monkey" (which is entertaining in small doses) and Squirrel Boy. Red head boy with an animal for a best friend doing stupid shit-this explain both shows in the same sentence.
Last cartoon I want to talk about is....drum roll please....CODE LYOKO. This damn show has the worst animation I've ever seen on a channel. THEY HAVE NO FACIAL EXPRESSIONS. THEY BARELY FUCKING SMILE. Maybe it was changed in the recent episodes, I don't know, don't care because I already hate it.
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