That Good Raw Life. Hazardous If Approached Wrong.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Goodbye Fall Hello Winter

As I sit here still in a calm daze continuously sighing for relief while I listen to my favorite Pandora radio station that consists of nothing more than the smoothest of jazz. I wonder what has caused my sudden feeling of ease similar to that of hours spent preparing for hurricanes? It could be only due to the fact that once again I have grasped HOPE by the necktie dragging it along on my crazy ride though the college education system. I may be a bit hasty in this assumption that this heavenly mood is solely correlated with the bright sunshine of free money for higher learning, since it is also that time of the year that a cold breeze swoops in carrying an insane amount of holiday spirit, but still this is not a sufficient enough reason for the great feeling I now carry in place of the anxious nervousness garnered from waiting for grades that very well could have been disasters in a financial sense

No that cannot be the sole reason alone due to the fact that the educational rat race has only been put on hiatus mercifully, but will soon began again bringing back the same tense feelings that ride along it’s coattails. No something else must be contributing to this unstoppable bliss I have seeminglessly obtained. Maybe it is the fact that with every passing minute time gets closer to the simultaneous end of a decade and beginning of a new one in it’s place, but what sets this coming decade apart from the past new years. It is the sole fact that with this year to come I will began pushing my goods hard on the streets, and I do mean both products and services. Trust that while you read this I am lazily laying in my bed banging out ideas like that of an automatic undestroyable tank set on the “win at all cost” setting on my newly acquired software from the Adobe offices .

To bring this article to an end, my calm joyous mood is attributed to the end of this hellish semester, acquiring HOPE once again, and the coming year that will be sure to be one of the craziest in my lifetime. I just wish I had a DeLorean to hop into and speed off into the future, but unlike that of Marty and the Doc I am only a prisoner of time.

I hope all the fellow college kids, hustlers, modern day hippies and fam have the same attitudes to life out there. When all looks down just Stay positive, Life Free, Spread Peace, and above all Seek the Higher Life & BECOME LEGENDARY.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

WHO DAT?! Much Deeper Than A Game

While I sit waiting for the perfect time to sip hot chocolate and enjoy a healthy breakfast, few thoughts cross my mind other than the tests rushing towards me and the success that is slowly coming as well. I do not only mean in a scholastic notion when I speak about impeding glory, but more so a personal level that can be symbolized by that of my hometown team, The Saints. It is obvious to many that I am one of those many New Orleanians displaced by a certain disaster years ago, but this fact does not become apparent to some until I began to ramble on endlessly how this is the best year in the franchise's history. Before I continue, I must explain that this is in no way a post about football due to the fact that I am no way a sports fanatic in the least, but I am one of those that only watch football when one of the teams is rocking the colors of black and gold.

As I stated before, this is the Saints best year by far, and this much needed rise from the ashes can stand as a symbol for my journey through life. How so you ask? I've not lived a life deserving of any sort of documentation or a movie about a soul surpassing impossible obstacles, but any person who knows the different lifestyles led by New Orleans youth and how they clash each other would also know that any youth that can succeed in their young life in the crescent city can quite possibly succeed anywhere.

Why is this you ask again? Well, to keep it short and frank my inquisitive reader, New Orleans is a city that seems to be perpetually fucked, this is in the words of my father by the way. With failing school systems steadily producing illiterate elementary age students as well as schools fighting each other as if they were gangs,violent crime that could make any night on the town a life or death situation in a matter of seconds, and a city government more corrupt than a comic book villain explains this "fucked" status clearly. What makes this different from any other ghetto in America or the world for that matter? Probably nothing, but that's a completely different and bigger subject.

Now before I ramble on and on like I usually do, I'll get straight to the point. I can not speak on how the Saint's rise to prominence affects the city and the life there, due to not living in The N.O. since the hurricane and not being able to speak for the majority of the youth, but I know for certain that this undefeated status held by what was once the "worst fucking team in the league" again I quote my father on that is one of the most inspiring occurrences this entire year. What is this inspiring me to do you ask? Well you many question asking audience will have to wait till I am prepared to unveil my plan to the world.

Peace and love to all

p.s. don't be afraid to comment. I'll answer any questions or respond 11 times out of ten